Sunday, November 02, 2008

Moving is SOOOO stressful!!!!! I'm never going to make this happen!!!

And I'm so annoyed with Honda Finance, and Honda Canada, and Whidbey Island bank, and Scotiabank... Why is it so difficult to import my car?! Why, after 7+ years as a loyal customer who has often sold others on the benefits of the company and having never once missed or even been late with a payment over the ownership or leasing of three different cars, - Why is Honda suddenly certain that if they let me take my car accross the Canadian border I will stop paying and effectively steal the car?!

I have to admit, I am the sort of customer who is extremely loyal to a good product and or service, but I am also the sort of customer who holds a grudge if you misstreat me or piss me off. I love Hondas - they're great cars, good value, reliable... but I have to say, Toyota is about as good that way... and it's looking like I'm going to have to sell this car (at a loss likely as it's pretty new) and when I go to buy a new one up in Canada - I'm leaning toward Toyota - or doing all new consumer reports research to see what else meets my needs.

Aside from the car drama, I'm sure it'll all come together in the end - I'm just at that panic stage where I'm sure NOTHING is going to get done and even everything I think is ready will just fall apart... I'm really fun at parties too!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Waiting on the moving company guy. The ferry is here I know that, but maybe he hasn't been unloaded yet. I just want this to start getting going! I think I have a place to stay at least for the first few months. Getting my car settled is going to be an ordeal, but at least I have a roof over my head when I get there!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Been a while. I am insane!!!!! Been too stressed to write. Had the flu - got over it but was unreasonably tire for a week before and a week after. All part of the fun I guess. My friend is moving away in a week and it looks like I'll be moving in about a month.


Thursday, September 04, 2008

So a week ago I loved the picture book I wrote. Yesterday I hated it. Today... somewhere in between. Work stress grrrrr

Now to work on it some more. . When I wrote it there was on mention of Olympics. It's pretty incidental. It's certainly not *about* the Olympics, but I'm trying to decide if the mere mention at the wrong time in relation to the summer Olympics is enough to have an editor pass on the whole thing.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I think I may have found the publisher I want to send the picture-book story to. I just have to work out the cover letter now. EEEK!!

And I have to work on my adult fiction book! Got a little discouraged with my writing this summer and fell off the muse-wagon a bit. I think I'm starting to get myself better together now though. I even wrote a little on it on Sunday!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Long weekend. Write, write, write!

There once was a lady who wrote
She liked to write stories all day
She wrote in her house, she slept like a mouse
She wanted to go back to bed.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day off...

So I took today off. I did it because I had a scheduled telephone meeting scheduled at 9:30. Unfortunately I got an email last night that was sent yesterday afternoon along with a message on my phone to say it was cancelled. Now, I'd taken the rest of the day off just because I needed it. I seriously overdid this summer with work and I really need some rest time.

Slept in then had breakfast, read a little and now online. Spent some time trolling about my other blog (my fannish one ;) and the scbwi boards and now here before I'm going to write a bit on my adult story, some fannish things and the children's book. I'm making sure that the metre and the words are all smooth and nothing feels forced to make the other work because I hate that in books.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So... I wrote a book

I wrote a picture book last week. I don't know, it just came to me almost fully formed. It's got some flexibility though and I can imagine shortening it or lengthening it easily with the removal or addition of extra stanzas. It's really for younger children and has lots of repetition and I think, a good metre. I'm going to go over it a few more times but then I've decided I will submit it to a publisher. I even joined SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) - which even if I wasn't interested in writing and publishing books for children I think I'd find it a great resource as a Youth Librarian.

Hee! I'm actually excited - and doing the librarian thing to thoroughly research the ins and outs of exactly who and how to submit this for potential publication!! I'm actually kinda sorta a little hopeful and think I might just have something here that I've seen a demand for from a growing segment of families.

Friday, July 25, 2008


The most intriguing, interesting, brilliant frustrating, infuriating species.

I had a library full of teens today. On computers, working as interns... Ahhh. What makes my life interesting.

Also, our friends booksale started today (for members only tonight and for all tomorrow). I went over just before they opened only to chat and lend support, but then I had to look around... I don't need any more books!!! I need to give the friends a bunch of books I already have so they can sell them!

Ah well, how can I be expected to resist an old leather bound copy of Oscar Wilde or a set of "International collection of music" (it's all music!! From all over!!)

AND... My new computer arrived today!! I'm typing on it now. It's huge! 24" screen is massive. this is awesome, but its going to take a little getting used to.

I found the greatest idea that several other libraries have done - I'd love to try it "Gocks" - their "goth" sock puppets!! I'm not sure how it'd fly in my (very) small library. At any rate it seems like a lot of fun! I don't have the link on me at the moment but I recorded it at work. Cool!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Reviving this blog

Woo Hoo!

So even though I have my other blog on LJ - that one isn't my real name and mostly focuses on my fannish pursuits. Whenever I write something librarianly on that one the rest of the people I interact with there are confused - so here I am with my Librarianly blog!

Check out this picture of the Anaheim convention centre from when I was there for ALA a few weeks ago. It was a good conference - I think maybe the best since I've been going (I've been to annual in Atlanta, Orlando, Chicago, New Orleans and now Anaheim - I think there might be one other annual in there, but I can't remember and I'm too lazy to look up right now). The best midwinter by far was in San Antonio - mostly because of the local people who were the friendliest people I've ever encountered in a conference city.

I read an "ok" book on the plane: "Club Dead"

Ok, so more soon - Librarianly pursuits!